One conservative group is encountering more and more people looking to detransition from their previous sex change operations. These individuals claim they are being abandoned by the doctors who helped them transition in the first place.
According to the Independent Women’s Forum, a leading women’s conservative non-profit, multiple detransitioners have reported being "abandoned by medical and mental health professionals after deciding to detransition."
Conservative activist and detransitioner Chloe Cole claimed that she "didn’t really get any help with detransitioning" after seeking guidance on the process from doctors and therapists involved with providing gender-affirming care.
"I basically did it all on my own and never got any guidance," Cole claimed in an IWF testimonial video.
Now regretting her decision to undergo treatments to transition at the age of 15, Cole claimed that the doctors who "pushed her" to change her gender were nowhere to be found when she wanted to reverse these medical procedures.
She explained, "My gender specialist who referred me to the surgery really was at a loss of what to do with me. And I’ve talked to my surgeon, I’ve reported that I regret my surgery and that I’m having complications with it years afterward. And his response was ‘OK, just put some Vaseline on it. That’ll fix things.’"
Cole said that suggestion "temporarily made it worse." As a result, she claimed, "I feel like now I can’t depend on my healthcare provider or any doctors at all."
Prisha Mosley, another young woman looking for help detransitioning from her sex change operations, spoke to IWF senior policy analyst and The Federalist contributor Kelsey Bolar about feeling abandoned by her doctors.
She said, "I was under the impression that my doctors, who were transitioning me, loved me. They said they didn’t want me to die, they were saving my life, they were worried about me, and they wanted me to be healthy and happy. Clearly, they don’t love me. As soon as it’s not profitable, they don’t want to help."
Ever since Mosley underwent procedures to transition, she has developed many medical complications, particularly involving her endocrine system. She now has to take psychiatric medicine to regulate her testosterone and estrogen levels to keep her from depression and anxiety.
She claimed, "I was hoping that if I could get my endocrine system working, I could be on less psychiatric medicine because low testosterone and estrogen will cause depression and anxiety, both of which I’m medicated for and don’t really like being medicated for."
Though she insisted that professionals haven’t helped her with these complications, Bolar reported that "every primary care physician, endocrinologist, obstetrician, and gynecologist she’s approached on her insurance list has turned her away or said they can’t help."
She added, "I could call and be rejected every single day."
These women are just a couple of many who have given testimony to IWF about how they’ve felt discarded by the medical professionals who were so willing to help with their original transitions.
The IWF claimed that many of these professionals belong to a "a one-sided echo chamber" that "pushes an ‘affirmation-only’ model" to those thinking they are in the wrong body.
The group claimed this model "promotes ‘preferred’ names and pronouns, experimental drugs, and medically invasive surgeries that leave children with irreversible damage to their developing bodies."
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